Daycare Blackout Days Frequently Asked Questions
Reasons Why Certain Dates are Blacked-out for Daycare:
Yes! We are a service business and always want to help when we can. Please call the office or send us an email to [email protected] to request a needed exception.
What if You are a Frequent Flier?
Frequent Fliers must heed blackout dates unless they have received an exception (see above). We apologize for this, but the point of a blackout date is to have as few dogs as possible for safety reasons and the ability to get done the work that needs done. When the Frequent Flier confirmations are sent at the beginning of each month, blacked out dates will not be included (unless the blackout date was chosen after these confirmations were sent). Please pay attention to your confirmation emails.
- The date is near a holiday that will be heavily populated with boarders.
- The date is one of our monthly maintenance/staff development days. In a 24/7 business, we need to make room for important improvements and training. We have selected one day per month for this, trying to use a different day of the week each time to lessen the impact on frequent flier clients.
- A needed improvement has been scheduled, such a parking lot re-do, new turf, etc. These dates come up as we get them from the companies doing the work, so may be added to the calendar with little notice. We have to work within the parameters of the laborers doing the work.
- There is a calendar on our website. Click on the ‘Calendars & Events’ tab at the top of the front page. This calendar may get updated periodically, so check back regularly.
- We post the calendar for the month on our social media at the beginning of the month.
- Emails will be sent out if the calendar is changed/updated or something important is going on. Make sure you are receiving Toby Town emails. Check your spam folder.
- Our online portal will block these dates from reservations. However, if the blackout date is chosen after you already have a reservation confirmation; the portal may have taken your reservation. We apologize for this, but we don’t always know at the beginning of the year which dates we will need blacked out. Keep an eye on social media, emails, and our published calendar for changes.
- You may receive a call from our office staff to let you know a date you were previously confirmed for has become a blackout date.
Yes! We are a service business and always want to help when we can. Please call the office or send us an email to [email protected] to request a needed exception.
What if You are a Frequent Flier?
Frequent Fliers must heed blackout dates unless they have received an exception (see above). We apologize for this, but the point of a blackout date is to have as few dogs as possible for safety reasons and the ability to get done the work that needs done. When the Frequent Flier confirmations are sent at the beginning of each month, blacked out dates will not be included (unless the blackout date was chosen after these confirmations were sent). Please pay attention to your confirmation emails.